Friday, January 6, 2012

Students' of the Month


It was time today to announce the Students' of the Month here at Rising Star.  Students' of the Month are recognized in front of the whole school and Rising Star staff during assembly as well as awarded 10 stars that they can spend in the Star Store.  The Star Store is a program set up at Rising Star that allows children the ability to earn prizes for good behavior at school and in the hostile.  If the child receives good marks, they can earn up to 8 stars a week and spend them at the weekly Star Store on treats, toys, and things useful for school.

Now time to recognize all the Students' of the Month to you all.  For UKG, A. Aravind Raj was awarded for reading and writing exceptionally well.  He is silent during classtime and does well in all of the subjects.

For 1st Standard(Standards are the equivalent to Grades in the United States), Sarathy was chosen for good behavior during class.  He has improved his writing, reading very well, and he finishes all of his classwork.

For 2nd Standard A, Peter was chosen for good behavior and doing extremely well during Math class.

For 2nd Standard B, Vannamalar was chosen for being very helpful to the teacher and other students.  She also plays very well during PT class(the equivalent of PE in the States).

For 3rd Standard, Ramya was chosen for being at the top of her class.  She is an excellent student in all subject and studies hard.

For 4th Standard, Vijayabalaji was chosen for being obedient and having exceptiontally good behavior during class.

For 5th Standard, Mispa was chosen for good behavior during class and excelling in Math class.

For 6th Standard, Naveen was chosen for his careful attention to detail.  Naveen has extremely good handwriting and is a quick learner.

For 7th Standard, Vijayalakshmi was chosen for paying close attention to all of her teachers, including following directions and good behavior.

For 8th Standard, Joseph was chosen for doing well in all subjects.

For 9th Standard, Megala was chosen for being an excellent student.  Megala listen, obeys, helps others, works hard, and is doing well in all of her classes.  Her teachers also noted that she is a very sincere student that gives her best in everything.

For 10th Standard, Sujatha was chosen for her talent at being an efficient but hard working student.  Sujatha is doing well in all of her classes.

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