Monday, July 30, 2012

Rising Star Super Kings vs. The Marriott

Today was a BIG day here at Rising Star!  This was a day that they have been preparing for and looking forward to for a long time.   The Marriott Crew came and fed them an awesome lunch and challenged the boys to a cricket match. 

The Rising Star team named themselves after the Chennai Cricket Team.  The Chennai Super Kings.  They all bought their jersey out of the Star Store over the past few weeks to wear for this match.  They were all matching in their yellow shirts and back pants.  

Here the team is getting ready by eating a hearty lunch!

After lunch everyone converged on the cricket field and watched the two teams warm up.

The Rising Star Coaches talked strategy.

The game started and the Rising Star Super Kings are hitting first.


Ismail and Krishnamoorthy

At one point Ismail was picked up by the other team and removed from the pitch because he was playing too well. 

He then proceeded to get more runs for his team!

Joseph and Ismail running to score some of the last points of their inning. 

By half time the fans were ecstatic! The Super Kings had 50 points!

It was their turn to take the field.

Our scorekeepers.

Mohan bowling

Deepenraj making a throw 

Celebrations happened at every out.

Naveenraj bowling.

Vimal bowling.

And a throw for an out!  Naveenraj to Vimal

Joseph was our last bowler for the game.

Here is the Marriott team enjoying the sideline with the Rising Star Kids.

The big question is ....  WHO WON?

Rising Star Super Kings were able to hang onto their lead and beat the Marriott team.

And the crowed goes wild!

Thank you to the Marriott for such a fun filled day!

 Rising Star's Super Kings!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Monsters and Narnia

5th Standard has just started their new book!  They are reading Lion Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis.  They are so excited to read that s
as soon as their English teacher walks into the school they start asking when they can read!  As if the book wasn't exciting enough we had a volunteer bring out handmade bookmarks.  The bookmarks look like monsters eating the page.  Each one is different and the kids were so excited to use them.

Its wonderful to see their excitement over reading!

If you are sponsoring a 5th Standard child, ask about Narnia in your next letter! Read along with them as they have adventures with Susan, Peter, Edmund and Lucy.  They will love to tell you all about their favorite book.  Email them at  Attn: Your Sponsor Child's Name

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Finger Painting with the Little Ones

The kids from UKG to 2nd Standard were invited to do finger painting today with a volunteer!!  Our volunteer and her helpers assisted the kids with their art projects.  They were very concerned at first that there were no brushes available and they were supposed to use their fingers and hands.  That didn't last long and soon they jumped in literally with both feet.

Each finger is a brush for a new color.

Thank you to our volunteers for sharing their talents with our beautiful Rising Stars!